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Ruqyah Training Programme

The Ruqyah Training Programme gives you the opportunity to start your Ruqyah Journey in stages at your own pace.

If you’ve always been intrigued in ruqyah but not sure where to start, or even nervous about starting it without the required support, the Ruqyah Training Programme (RTP) was designed for you.

Learning is optimised via our 4-component learning experience:

  1. Online Learning – Learn the theory online from the comfort of your home.
  2. Regular Live Online Support – Receive live feedback on questions pertaining to the theory and your ruqyah experiences.
  3. Practical Sessions – This is your unique opportunity to receive in-person support on your practical ruqyah, allowing you to sharpen your ruqyah techniques. You can bring your case studies to the sessions or you can practice on other session participants.
  4. Homework Feedback – Receive feedback on all your home assignments to ensure that you have the support needed at all stages of your learning.

The Ruqyah Journey

There are 4 stages to the programme to allow different people the choice to progress to the stages suited for them.

  1. Ruqyah Apprentice – This stage gives you the regular support you require to start your ruqyah journey. We’ve designed this course so you can start practising ruqyah on your family and friends from day 1, whilst having the peace of mind that you’ll have the necessary support in our weekly calls.
  2. Ruqyah Practitioner – Once you’re familiar with basic ruqyah, you’ve had sufficient practice amongst your family and friends, and you’ve discovered a burning desire to help more people, this stage introduces crucial concepts and more complex ruqyah techniques to allow you to practice ruqyah professionally and safely. This stage also helps you to start earning a side-income.
  3. Ruqyah Associate – Continuous development of ruqyah is crucial in uplifting the reputation of the ruqyah industry so it can stand out amongst conventional medicine. This stage gives you the opportunity and framework to research and develop new ruqyah techniques that will benefit future generations.
  4. Ruqyah Director – This stage is for those who are keen to pro-actively introduce Higher Ruqyah all over the world. The international spread of Higher Ruqyah is crucial to let the world be aware of the healing powers of Allah through ruqyah.

What can I learn in the Ruqyah Training Programme?

Stage 1:

  1. Core Verses and Common Ruqyah Practises
  2. Hands of Ruqyah and Detecting Evil in Body (Basic)
  3. Possession Handling
  4. Ruqyah Combinations
  5. How to Make Ruqyah Water in 10 seconds
  6. How to make Ruqyah Apple Cider Vinegar in 10 seconds

Stage 2:

  1. Building your Business
  2. How to make Ruqyah Black Seed Oil in 10 seconds
  3. Herbal Impact
  4. Visual Ruqyah
  5. Excelling in Inspiration and Intuition
  6. Triangular Analysis

Stage 3: Concepts and techniques learned during this stage are tailored to ensure participants are equipped to expand on their chosen ruqyah speciality.

Stage 4: Concepts and techniques learned during this stage are tailored to ensure participants are equipped to pro-actively expand the practise of Higher Ruqyah internationally.

For more information, download the Ruqyah Journey document.

Why start the Ruqyah Training Programme (RTP)?

  1. Weekly feedback and guidance on your ruqyah case studies.
  2. Time to understand the theory and practice it knowing that weekly support calls are scheduled in to revisit/clarify or provide feedback.
  3. Have time planned into the programme to practice, knowing support calls are scheduled in.
  4. Go straight into the practical and learn the theory as your experience progresses.
  5. In-person practical supervision sessions to sharpen your practical techniques.
  6. Be safe in practising ruqyah with an escalation point if things get too much.
  7. Have an escalation point to quickly remove backlash.
  8. Continuous learning and guidance on new techniques that will keep improving your ruqyah ability.
  9. Be confident when practising ruqyah on your family and friends that problems are detected early on to prevent further decline.
  10. Gain sufficient knowledge and experience, whilst having regular support to gain a side-income.


How do I apply?

Download the application form here and submit your completed application form and CV to

What entry requirements must I have to join the Ruqyah Training Programme?

You must be over 18 years old and have read the core text book. Applications must then be filled out and upon successful application you will be interviewed to ensure you are the right fit for the programme.

Who teaches the Ruqyah Training Programme?

The programme is taught by Suhaib Bin Hamidi, the author of the core text book.

How do I progress to the other stages of the programme?

Entry to sequential stages will require you to go through the application process detailed at the end of each stage.

How much does the programme cost?

The 1st stage of the programme costs £600 (or £500 upfront) and lasts approximately 6 months. Details can be found in our course document.

Are there bursaries or discounts for those who can’t afford it?

Bursaries are subject to availability. Any discounts are treated as a partial bursary and therefore are also subject to availability. Bursaries need to be applied for and are included in the last section of the application form.

Why can’t I just learn all this content on-line for free?

Free online content for ruqyah is restricted to level 1 and level 2 ruqyah; it ignores the other 5 levels of ruqyah. This course is designed for people that have a desire to expedite the learning process, have the correct support and escalation structure in plan during the learning phase and also learn about the higher levels of ruqyah (as detailed in the core text book) that aren’t available for free online.

What’s the difference between ruqyah and Higher Ruqyah?

What has come to be commonly known as ruqyah in the 21st century is defined as ‘ruqyah’. However, many people have had a lot of ruqyah sessions yet get stuck because their raqi uses what is defined by IAR as level 1 and level 2 ruqyah only. Higher Ruqyah are new ruqyah techniques that focus of efficacy. Higher Ruqyah can be defined as ruqyah in the higher sub-levels of levels 3 through to level 7 (as defined in the core text book).

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Continuous R&D is crucial in order to develop the discipline of Ruqyah to cope with the ever-evolving modern era since Islam was revealed to be compatible with all Times. Below is a summary of new techniques that we have developed over the years as well as providing a hint of common cases where these techniques have helped our clients.

These techniques are only available from the International Academy of Ruqyah.

Fire Ruqyah (External)

  • The surroundings needs to be analysed first and the Ruqyah in written form is initiated with Fire. Standard Audio Ruqyah is insufficient to purify houses and business where negativity disturbs the residents or business, as often the same disturbances resurface over time. This technique is based on the Arsh of Allah.
  • R&D Cases: Shadows, Negative Energies, Business Downfall, Family Split, Historical Magick.
  • Prices start from £50 (in Sheffield and Rotherham)

Fire Ruqyah (Internal) – over 18s only

  • Pure Fire is created using tobacco and the specific Ruqyah is recited into the Fire to target the ailment. Fire power is required to break down or destroy complex evil forces. This treatment is based upon the Ferocity of Allah when He (SWT) destroyed the City of Sodom.
  • R&D Cases: Asthma, Severe Pain, Headaches
  • Prices start from £50 per session (in Sheffield and Rotherham)
  • Over 18s only as this technique involves smoke inhalation.

Ruqyah of Dissolution – over 13s only

  • Evil forces that are ingrained or twisted into the physical structure of the patient cannot be removed, but rather needs to be dissolved in order to shrink the problem so it is either easier to untangle them or to allow them to wither away. This treatments is based upon Al-Latiff and Ar-Razzaq using Earth and Caffeine.
  • R&D Cases: Hearing Voices, Constant Tiredness, Bi-Polar disorder, Eczema, Headaches and Migraines
  • Prices start from £20 per session (in Sheffield and Rotherham)
  • Over 13s only (with parental consent) as this technique involves caffeine intake.

Ruqyah of Enhanced Rizq (Milk and Honey)

  • A technique deriving from Jesus’ healing, this works in 3 ways. The Milk absorbs the evil. The Honey heals and enhances the organ. The Elixir increases the Rizq in terms of wealth and health. The basis of this treatment is the Ruh of Allah.
  • R&D Cases: Rizq block in terms of tiredness
  • Prices start for £50 per session (in Sheffield and Rotherham) and includes treatment pack.

Do you have an illness or ailment which you’ve exhausted all avenues with no progress?

If you have an ailment or problem that you’d like our opinion on, please contact us to discuss whether we are able to include your ailment in our R&D programme. Participants of the R&D programme need to reside in Sheffield for the duration of the trial in order to undertake daily treatment sessions which typically lasts for 2 weeks at a time.

Suhaib – 07872 451961 /