Due to the success of Phase 1 for both the tea and cigar treatments, we are currently moving into Phase 2. The objective of Phase 2 is to use a much larger number of subjects for trial. We target 100 subjects per treatment trial.
The standards for each trial will be documented.
Tea Treatment – Phase 2
The target ailment is depression. Participants need to be diagnosed by their GP as officially depressed. Target participant population is 100.
- Trials will last 10 sessions (1 treatment daily)
- Participants need to be able to come to Sheffield to receive treatment
- Treatment is free (to attract participants), however if participants miss any sessions (without valid reasons), they will be charged £200 (full cost of treatment) and their treatment will end (to ensure seriousness)
- Participants cannot be allergic to any of the ingredients used for treatment.
If you wish to participate in this trial, or you know people who would be interested in participating, please contact us.
E: suhaib@iaruqyah.com T: 07872451961
Cigar Treatment – Phase 2
The cigar treatment can be used for many other ailments apart from Asthma, including pain. Due to the sensitivity of this treatment, phase 2 will only proceed if the correct team is in place. This includes conventional medical professionals.
If you work as a conventional medical professional and wish to understand more about this technique, please contact us.
E: suhaib@iaruqyah.com T: 07872451961
To give high-level view of the possibilities of the ruqyah cigar.
Overall, the ruqyah cigar treatment costs approximately £100 (covering 6 sessions labour and materials) and prevented me from having to be admitted to hospital, saving the NHS approximately £1400.
The NHS cost of £1400 per hospital admission is based on the assumption of 270 people being admitted to hospital daily for asthma and an annual cost of £137million for hospital care (https://www.asthma.org.uk/about/media/news/asthma-uk-study-1.1bn/).
Treatment | Cost per person | Hospitalised | Total Cost |
Ruqyah cigar | £100 | 98550 (per annum) | £9.9 million |
Hospital | £1400 | 98550 (per annum) | £137 million |
If the ruqyah cigar is proven to be effective, it can potentially save the NHS over £100 million per annum in hospital costs.
Note: figures above are very high-level as the hospital costs will include many other costs such as hospital beds. The ruqyah cigar only includes materials and ruqyah labour. Accurate figures can only be confirmed with the assistance of the NHS.
Asthma prescription costs are currently £666 million per annum (www.asthma.org.uk) and this potentially can be reduced significantly as the asthma of the patient improves via the ruqyah cigar.
All that is initially required is for an open-minded member of the NHS to start working with International Academy of Ruqyah to witness the ruqyah cigar under the supervision of the NHS.